M. Brownstone Pageant Info & Application

Will You Be the Next M. Brownstone?

The Brownstone Lounge is looking for the next “M. Brownstone” to represent the bar throughout 2025. And because it’s the Brownstone, we’re gonna turn the idea of a drag pageant completely on its head.

We’re looking for a M. Brownstone that best represents the Brownstone brand, vibe, and mission.

4 Key Brownstone Brand Attributes that M. Brownstone should represent:

  • Raucus & Rowdy with the Right Dash of Raunchy

  • “Aspirational Glamour” with a trashy, Harrisburg dive bar edge

  • Fun, gregarious, and a space where a broad, diverse audience has a great time and feels at home in their neighborhood gay bar

  • Represent the Brownstone Spirit: A rollicking crazy train that may run off the rails at any moment

What if you win?

The winner of the M. Brownstone Pageant will be crowned and reign for one year. The winner will:

  • Receive a crown and sash

  • Receive a cash prize

  • Host up to four paid gigs at the Brownstone throughout 2025

  • Represent the Brownstone during Pride 2025 (parade, festival, and at the bar)

  • Host next year’s M. Brownstone Pageant

  • Be included in some of Brownstone’s marketing & promotions.

The M. Brownstone Pageant is not associated with—nor a preliminary to—any other pageant. Because Gurl, once you reach the pinnacle, there’s nowhere else to go!

The Selection Process

Because of the size of the bar, the M. Brownstone competition will be capped at 4-6 entrants

The Brownstone will empanel a group of 3-4 judges which will include a representative from Pride and others with experience in the world of competitive drag pageants. Interested performers will complete an application package and submit a short promo video at a later date. The video and application will be reviewed by the judging panel and they will select up to six performers to compete for the M. Brownstone title. 

There are no fees or charges for performers to enter the M. Brownstone Pageant.

The Application Video

Entrants should submit an application video with the following criteria. You should think of it as a promotional video for your upcoming participation in the M. Brownstone Pageant.

  • 2 minutes or less

  • Showcase a look(s)

  • Performance snippet

  • Brief, on-camera, sassy presentation on why the applicant best represents the M. Brownstone title

For those selected to participate in the pageant, your video will be used for the marketing & promotion of the event; so think of it as a commercial for you.

The Competition Details

Challenge #1: “Remember My Name”

First impressions are often the most important. In this challenge, contestants will have 2 minutes each to introduce themselves to the judges and audience and make a memorable impact. Make it a WOW Moment. Make them ‘remember your name.’

You have 2 minutes to introduce yourself, make a big visual impact with a glamorous look, connect with the audience, and make your pitch as to why you’ll be the next M. Brownstone. On the mic. Can include background or intro/entrance music.

Judging Criteria (40 points):

  • Visual Impact / Look (10 pts)

  • Connection with Audience (10 pts)

  • Humor / Poise / Experience on Mic (10 pts)

  • Your Interpretation/Vision of M. Brownstone (10 pts)

Challenge #2: “Sophisticated Lady at the Gay Dive Bar”

In this challenge, you’ll begin with your glamorous look from the first challenge. We want to assess your knack for creating a fun and delightful experience that gets the audience roaring with engagement. Here’s the scenario: you were expecting to put on a glamorous cabaret performance and you show up, get up on stage, start your sophisticated performance, and realize it’s actually a raunchy little gay dive bar called the Brownstone. Your first challenge is to create a performance that starts out sophisticated and glamourous and morphs into a raucous, fun dive bar performance that fits the crazy Brownstone brand.

Challenge Specifications:

  • No more than 5 minutes

  • Create a performance that starts out sophisticated and glamorous and morphs into a raucous, saucy/sassy dive bar performance that gets the audience going.

  • Create an outfit that converts from sophisticated to “rock n’ roll” during your performance.

  • Think of this performance as your conversion into Madame Brownstone

Judging Criteria (150 points):

  • Visual Impact / Look (30 pts)

  • Audience Engagement (20 pts)

  • Fun / Humor (30 pts)

  • Music Selection (10 pts)

  • Performance (30 pts)

  • Your Interpretation of M. Brownstone (30 pts)

Challenge #3: “Cat Fight in the Litter Box”

If you’re workin’ the Brownstone, you have to be quick on your feet and respond to sass from the audience. We want to assess your ability to be sassy, funny, quick-witted and adaptable. We want to see how ‘fast-on-your-feet’ you are. In this 2-part challenge, we randomly pick two contestants to go head-to-head. The first part is a “Sassy Shade Off” (2 minutes of back-and-forth for each candidate to good-naturedly throw shade on the other as to why they are the better choice for M. Brownstone). We want to see humor and how quick you are on your feet. 

In the 2nd part of the challenge, the two of you will face off in a lip sync / dance off battle of the ages to a song randomly selected by an audience member from a predetermined music selection.

Challenge Specifications:

  • 2-minutes on the mic for a Sassy Shade Off with one other competitor

  • Your look should be fun and like you’re ready for battle.

  • 2-minute lip sync battle & dance off against the same competitor.

  • Competitors will be paired off by random selection from an audience member.

  • Music for the dance off will be randomly selected from a predetermined list of classic/hit songs.

Judging Criteria (150 points):

  • Visual Impact / Look (25 pts)

  • Fun / Humor / Sass / Shade (50 pts)

  • Dance Off Performance (50 pts)

  • Lip Sync Ability (25 pts)

Challenge #4: Finale Performance: “M. Brownstone is in the House”

In the final challenge, contestants will create a look, pick a song, and create a performance that they think best represents the Brownstone Lounge, it’s brand, and it’s audience. This will be your vision for M. Brownstone. Contestants will need to understand and contend with the limitations of the physical constraints of the Brownstone and navigate what will be a very crowded bar.

Fundraising for Pride Component:

In addition, your ability to “make it rain” will also be part of the competition. Part of your performance will be to encourage the audience to donate for Pride. We will have a Brownstone or Pride representative available to collect the donations during your act so you can concentrate on your performance.

Audience Voting Component:

Also in this round, the audience will have an opportunity to vote. So audience engagement should be a key element of your performance. Before the finale round, the audience will be given a QR code where they’ll be able to rate each performance.

Challenge Specifications:

  • Finale Performance

  • Complete Look/Persona for M. Brownstone

  • Maximum 7-minute performance (song/dance/lip sync/on mic elements)

  • Max of 1 additional back up performer/helper

  • Props must be pre-approved

  • Audience Engagement / Voting is a Key Element of this Challenge

  • Your ability to encourage people to donate to Pride will be part of challenge. A Pride representative will be there during your performance to collect funds/tips.

Judging Criteria (1,000 points)

  • Visual Impact / Look (250 pts)

  • Fun / Humor / Sass / Attitude (25 pts)

  • Performance (225 pts)

  • Audience Voting (300 pts)

  • Fundraising - Whomever raises the most cash for Pride gets bonus points (200 pts)

The Crowning of the New M. Brownstone

After the judges tally the points, the new M. Brownstone will be crowned and awarded the pageant prizes. We’ll also have a short photo shoot and the new M. Brownstone will be available for selfies/crowd interaction.

Competition Rules

  • Entrants to the M. Brownstone Pageant must complete an application and submit an application video as described above.

  • The deadline for applications is Friday, October 4, 2024. The Video Submission Deadline is: Friday, October 11, 2024. Videos should be sent to office@brownstonelounge.net

  • The final contestants for the pageant will be selected and notified by Friday, October 25, 2024.

  • Selected contestants must commit to performing at the pageant by Monday, October 28, 2024. Alternates will be selected in the case of unexpected drop outs.

  • The M. Brownstone Pageant will be held on Saturday, November 23, 2024. The show starts promptly at 8 PM. Contestants will have space at the bar to prepare/stage/set up.

  • Because of the size of the bar, final contestants will be allowed one assistant/dresser only. In addition, contestants may use one person/back up dancer/performer for the finale performance only. All props must be submitted for pre-approval. Contestants should understand the space limitations of the Brownstone.

  • No fire/flame/pyrotechnics. Performances should not include throwing anything (glitter, water, etc.).

  • The performance space is tight and up close with the audience. We will do our best to clear performance space for you. However, part of the competition is how you navigate and “own the space” of the Brownstone with its limitations.

  • For the pageant winner, when in your role as a representative of the Brownstone, you must adhere to professional behavior standards at performances and online in your capacity as a representative of the bar. The Brownstone retains the right to remove the title and end our commitments to the winner for any unprofessional behavior or behavior that reflects poorly on the bar.