Horror on the Runway: Halloween at Brownstone

Halloween Chaos at the Brownstone

The Spooky Season is almost upon us and if you’ve been to the Brownstone over Halloween before, you know we embrace it … with gusto … and a touch of lunacy. In fact, we’ve already started decorating.

This year’s big party is on Saturday, October 28th, kicking off at 9 PM.

Here’s What Your In For

The Music

Horror Fiend, DJ Kuhmeleon, will be spinning some sick, scary beats that will get your booties shakin. Plus, we’re sure he has a few scary movie surprises for you too. Kuhmeleon kicks off the show at 9 PM and will shake the bats out of the rafters until close.

Your Host

The Illustrious Michael Tindell, former Mr. Brownstone, will be your host throughout the evening.

The Costume Contest

Throughout the night (or in advance online below), you can sign up for the costume contest which will be at midnight. The categories and prizes this year are:

  • CATEGORY: Best Overall. One winner gets $250 cash.

  • CATEGORY: Scariest. Winner of the category gets $50 cash.

  • CATEGORY: Sexiest. Winner of the category gets $50 cash.

  • CATEGORY: Most Innovative/Original. Winner of the category gets $50 cash.

  • CATEGORY: Group (at least 2 people). Winner of the category gets $50 cash.

Sign ups for each category must be submitted by 11:30PM Saturday night at the bar or online by Friday, Oct. 27 by 8 PM.

Weather permitting, we will create a runway on the sidewalk in front of the bar for you to do your best Horror Catwalk. Judges will be on hand to score your costume (and attitude, strut, sass, etc.) So werk it gurl!

The judges will convene and winners will be announced by 1 AM.


And don’t forget our special Horror on the Runway cocktail list brought to you by Ghost Tequila and RNDC Distributing. We’ll have Ghost Tequila tastings on Friday, October 27th for our Velvet Splash night if you want a little taste of the Ghost beforehand!

What to Expect

Because of the craziness of the night and people being in costume, we will be carding everyone at the door. Brownstone is 21+ only. You will be given an age verification wrist band for easy re-entry (a-hem). It’s gonna be crowded, but we’re going to do our best to make your night as amazing and memorable as possible!

As always, there is no cover charge at the Brownstone.

Enter the Costume Contest Now