What Does Reopening Look Like?


Hey everyone, we are so excited to see you when we reopen this Friday, June 19 at 2 PM. Before we open the doors though, we have tell you about a few changes here at the Brownstone due to the new Pandemic health regulations and capacity limits.

You’ll see a list of the new procedures below; but we’ve also asked Miss Anita Dickson to walk you through them so you know what to expect—because nothing adds clarity and gravitas like a drag queen.

The Brownstone Reopens: What to Expect

Brownstone’s New Pandemic Procedures


Like every bar and restaurant across the country, the Brownstone will reopen with a few new procedures in place to ensure a safe and fun environment for everyone.

  1. The Brownstone will be operating under capacity limits. Most times, this won’t be an issue and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

  2. All bar staff will be masked and gloved.

  3. Social distancing rules will be in place. We’ve spaced seating accordingly. If you live with someone or are “in the same germ pod,” you can rearrange the seats accordingly.

  4. All drinks will be served in single-use plastic cups. You’ll also receive a straw for you to open yourself. Please dispose of your cup in the waste baskets before ordering your next beverage.

  5. There are hand sanitizer stations throughout the bar for your use.

  6. Obviously it’s hard to eat or drink with a mask, but bring one anyway and use it when it makes sense. Use your best judgment.

  7. When the bar is busy, we will have a designated area for you to order and pick up your drinks and food.

  8. The Brownstone will be constantly cleaned during operating hours. In addition, we’ve purchased industrial sanitizing equipment to clean the bar each night or whenever needed.

Your safety is paramount to us. But so is you having a good time. Let’s think of this as an adventure together. It’s gonna be weird, but no one does weird better than the Brownstone.

We’ve missed you and look forward to seeing you soon.