A Brownstone Refresher


Hey everyone, we’re all heading into the COVID home stretch and hopefully we’ll be back to some sense of normal in the upcoming weeks and months. That said…

We’ve always prided ourselves that our little Brownstone community includes some of the world’s best rebels, rule breakers, assholes, and outright sinners. We love ya for it. However, although we hope that we’re almost near the end of the State COVID restrictions, we can’t relax and let up just yet. We want to continue to stay open and be a little oasis for you in these crazy times.

So, please be aware of and respect our COVID rules and restrictions. They’re in place to keep all of us safe, sound, and pleasantly tipsy throughout the pandemic.

Here’s Your Brownstone COVID Refresher Course:

  • You must wear a mask when entering the bar and until you’re seated. Whenever you stand up, you must be masked.

  • No standing is allowed while drinking. You must be seated.

  • There is no seating at the bar. You can’t stand or order your drinks and food at the bar.

  • Smoking is only allowed on the deck. No drinks are allowed on the deck.

  • You must order a food item during your Brownstone visit.

  • We are still at 50% capacity. There may be times — especially on Friday and Saturday nights — when we hit our limit and have to deny people entry. We HATE when that happens and will do our best to deliver you the best time ever when you are here.

  • There is hand sanitizer positioned around the bar for your convenience.

And there you have it. Easy, right? And again, we want to thank all of you for sticking with us during this crazy shit. Once we get past this, we’ll party down like never before.

We love ya. Stay safe and we’ll you see you at the Brownstone.