Brownstone Makes Lyft's Top 10 Nightlife Spots in Harrisburg

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Where are the hot and trending nightlife places to go in Harrisburg in 2021? According to Lyft, the Brownstone is one of them. We squeaked in at #9—the smallest venue and the only LGBTQ+ place on the list. So we’re pretty stoked and feeling like “the little gay bar that could…”

And all of that is because of you, your patronage, your visits to the Brownstone, and your responsible use of ride share apps like Lyft to get you home safely. And that makes us really happy. Let’s celebrate with a few drinks at the Brownstone (and then catch a ride home with Lyft).

You can check out Lyft’s full list below. And special shout out to our neighbor, The Sturges Speakeasy for also making the list.

Lyft’s Top 10 Most Visited Nightlife Spots in Harrisburg

Lyft’s Top 10 Most Visited Nightlife Spots in Harrisburg