Join Team Brownstone for Pride
Let’s Make This The Most Amazing Central PA Pride Ever
Want to be a part of the Pride Festivities at Brownstone? We’re looking for volunteers to help us make Central PA Pride on July 27, 2024 extra special this year.
How can you join in on all the fun? 5 Ways to Participate
March in the Parade with Us:
Join the Brownstone Contingent for this year’s Pride Parade. The parade is from 10-11 AM. We’ll be staging everyone at 9 AM near the Forum building. We’ll have different groups marching and we’d love for you to join us under the Brownstone banner.
2. Join The Parade Advance Team
We need your ideas and energy to help pull this rabbit out of our hats. Be one of the cowboys that keeps these crazy cats in order.
3. Join Us At Our Festival Booth
Interact with all the Festival Goers, represent the Brownstone, give out freebies, and encourage folks to visit the bar. The festival is 11-6 PM and shifts are 2 hours long.
4. Join the Festival Support Team
Join the crew to help us quickly get stuff from the bar to the Festival grounds (8 AM) or the crew that takes it down and brings it back (5:30 PM).
5. Check IDs at the Brownstone
We’ll have a lot of folks from out of town visiting and we need trusted volunteers to check IDs before people enter the bar. Simply check the birthdate and if good, put on wrist bands. Shifts are 2 hours. Easy!
We Appreciate Any Help You Can Give Us. Plus, We’ll Definitely Be Making This a Blast in the Process!
Fill out the form below if you want to join in all the fun. Thanks a proud million from the Brownstone Team!